I’m going through some huge transitions right now. So, everything feels very shaky in my life, as if there are no roots

I’m going through some huge transitions right now. So, everything feels very shaky in my life, as if there are no roots
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Apr 5, 2023
This blog is an excerpt from our mini-therapy on this discomfort.

what is a discomfort?

Discomfort is anything that could be stopping you from achieving what you really want to achieve. Any feeling or issue that you’re currently struggling with.

what is a mini-therapy?

A mini-therapy is hyper-personalized, bite-sized content delivered via an immersive and interactive therapy experience on the ‘being’ app. It’s designed by experienced mental health professionals and helps you work through a discomfort by using therapeutic interventions that they would use in in-person therapy.
Note: For the most optimal experience, try the mini-therapy on the ‘being’ app :’)

the excerpt:

Hello there 😊
This transition sounds like it's been tough on you. I understand the confusion that comes with a shaky ground. It is okay to feel this way during a transition!
To some, sudden or continuous changes can over-stimulate their sense organs. This feeling that everything is “shaky”, and we are about to fall, usually stems from anxiety in times of extreme unpredictability. More like a sinking sand effect, have I got that right?
However, when our body goes through bouts of “shakiness” and “root-lessness”, as first-aid, it is necessary to shift our focus to reducing the effects of anxiety to better navigate the confusion. Please know that anxious feelings and thoughts cannot be stopped or eradicated from the human system. What you and I can do is reduce anxiety effects (such as confusion and shakiness) to better support yourself through this transition.
Let’s do a small exercise that could lead to a sense of calm.
Mindfulness - Visualization Tool
Perhaps we can begin by paying attention to this feeling of shakiness. Let’s allow ourselves to feel it. Tell yourself, “This feeling is okay to have, it makes me human.” Take some time to soak in that thought.
When you are ready, let's name this “feeling of shakiness".
Where do you feel shakiness in your body?
Observe which part of your body this emotion is making its presence known. Tell yourself it’s an emotion, you are not your emotion, and this is your body’s way of responding to something unpleasant. Now, take a deep breath in, hold, and exhale.
Let’s continue to keep in touch with this emotion.
Picture this emotion as a wave, where you can float in it, or ride on it to the shore. You are not your emotions. Your emotions don’t make you an unworthy person. It is a response to a stimulus.
Bring your attention to the present. Shift your attention to your breath. It is your anchor; it calms your agitated nervous system. Listen to how you inhale and exhale. When this feeling comes back, let yourself know that it’s okay. Feelings do exactly that, they come and go.
Let Shakiness (or whatever you named the emotion) be in the room with you. Approach it with curiosity. Does it have a shape? Does it speak? What does it say to you? Perhaps ask it what it wants from you.
Guided Journaling Tool
Let's write down what it wants. This can help you gain better clarity in this situation. Make a list if you need to. Divide the list into priorities and non-priorities; What you can do at the moment and vice versa. How are you feeling now? Take a minute to gather your thoughts and emotions. Inhale and exhale.
When you are ready, let’s shift our focus to some practical steps you can take to ease yourself into the next chapter.
If you could gather some information about what “shakiness” wants or why it’s around, Maybe then, you could brainstorm the many desires of it. They might help you set realistic expectations for this emotion or even, narrow down possibilities to your concerns. Sometimes actively doing things reduces confusion, enabling us to better cope with changes.
Guided Journaling Tool
Write down what minute steps you can take to gain clarity
Throughout this time, focus on setting a stable routine for your body. This is very important because it provides consistency for our body during transitions. They are a proven mental health tool for reducing anxiety, overwhelm, and unpredictability. 
Make sure you set healthy routines for sleep, work, and other activities. If you haven’t tried making a timetable for yourself, start with the acronym BACE. Through the week, slot out time for Body-care, Achievements, Connection with living things, and Enjoyment. In this acronym, try to practice self-care (body care) and take things slow.
Now as you journey through these transitions, try to make meaning out of it. Making meaning out of difficulties helps us move on better. So, what meaning can you give to this transition? Is there another perspective to see this? Perhaps you can begin by accepting that transitions are part of being. While you are trying to come to terms with your reality, let’s also not forget to take time to grieve life before the transition.
Sadly, we have reached the end of this process.
As you calm your nerves, figure out practical resolutions, and seek mental health guidance, think about what holding compassion for yourself looks like in this season. Maybe be easy on yourself while you gather strength to continue. This process is slow, so, let me remind you that patience is necessary in this time.
Till then take care and just be 💜