Does Using Work as a Distraction Help? Here’s What Our Working Styles Say About Our Depression

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Does Using Work as a Distraction Help? Here’s What Our Working Styles Say About Our Depression
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Apr 8, 2022
✨POV✨: Your brain is feeling over-stimulated and not in a good way. Your face feels hot and you’re scared your head might just explore. Your first instinct is to distract yourself using work because it’s easier to turn off these emotions for a bit than to be in the midst of them all.
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Mental health, unlike physical health, cannot be understood by an onlooker. It is more possible to know if someone is facing a physical ailment than know if someone is dealing with mental health issues. We cannot perceive or fathom a person's subjective individual experience from external characteristics like if they are groomed, how they are working, or if they look happy enough.

Dealing with Depression 💔

Many people cope with uncomfortable emotions by distracting themselves. What they use as a distraction may vary, but its effects on one’s mental health are very similar.
Some use work to drown out their feelings, others procrastinate on work by indulging in mindless distractions like scrolling through social media, playing video games, or binging on Netflix.
When we feel uncomfortable emotions such as helplessness, anxiety, stress, sadness, or restlessness, our response says a lot about our mental health.
Some may put in extra effort to suppress these negative emotions, while others may get lost in the feelings as they try to figure them out. Either way, our mental health is vulnerable and needs tending to.
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And how can one process such emotions in the best way possible? By grounding oneself in reality and then processing the feelings in a structured manner. Doing this can help ward off any extra baggage that can get added if we simmer in these uncomfortable emotions and ensuing thoughts & behaviors. Mini-therapies are an easy way of doing this. Ez.

Working Styles and Depression 🔗

Even if how we are in public is no indicator of our mental health status, what is the connection between working styles and depression?
Let’s breakdown the three broad working styles to understand the link:

📈 Overworking

This may occur for several reasons.
💡 Is there an important project that needs our attention?
💡 Or is there a lot of external pressure from the boss to work longer hours?
💡 Or is it our choice to put in extra hours even when no one needs us to?
In the first two scenarios, overworking is out of external obligations, leading to mental health issues. In the third scenario, there are two possibilities - either the person is extremely passionate and determined to climb the career ladder, or they are trying to distract themselves.

📉 Under-working

This may occur due to one of 2 reasons.
💡 Either the person is experiencing a boreout (a lack of stimulation in the workplace that affects mental health) because of the nature of the work, or they are really unable to channel their energy to be productive.
In the first scenario, a boreout is caused by the work itself. Or in the second scenario, the person’s mental health issues are spilling over into their professional life.

⚖️ Work-Life Balance

This is the ideal working style, but not all that glitters is gold. Even having a perfect work-life balance can hide mental health issues.
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This is possible when a person is dealing with high-functioning depression (which means that they can function like any other person with good mental health but struggle to cope internally).
This is where mental illness is different from physical illness - we never know what someone is struggling with and how bad it is for them.

In conclusion 🏳️

There are a lot of nuances in understanding the link between working styles and depression. An important layer to understand is the cause-and-effect relationship between depression and work. Is work triggering depression? Or is experiencing depression affecting working style? To read more on depression in the workplace, click here.

Please Note 🚩

Depression (aka clinical depression) is a mental illness that can be of two different types - mild depression (aka persistent depressive disorder) and major depression (aka severe depression or major depressive disorder). Common depression symptoms include prolonged depressed mood, low self-esteem, mood swings, loss of interest, and having trouble focusing. Other physical symptoms include sleep problems, weight gain, excessive sleeping, or difficulty concentrating.
Depression is also often accompanied by a mood disorder or other mental disorders such as seasonal affective disorder, bipolar disorder, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder. If you have such symptoms of depression or thoughts of self-harm, please use the national suicide prevention lifeline or contact a mental health professional to seek treatment options.

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being cares, inc.
being cares, inc.

Mental health friend for Gen-Z creators, & entrepreneurs.