How do I deal with uncertainty about getting a new job?

How do I deal with uncertainty about getting a new job?

You’re in the midst of a job hunt. Although it can be exciting to see what lies ahead of you, it’s okay to feel anxious about the uncertainties. Every time you do a job search, you experience different things, and I see that today you are experiencing discomfort with it. 

I thought once I reach a certain compensation or title, I would be really happy and my job would become less exhausting. But, with more money and better title and recognition also.. nothing really changes

I thought once I reach a certain compensation or title, I would be really happy and my job would become less exhausting. But, with more money and better title and recognition also.. nothing really changes

What is High Functioning Anxiety at Work?

Wondering how anxiety impacts our work but in a good way?

What causes anxiety in the brain: 3 Ways to Keep Work Anxiety at Bay

Save this for the next time anxiety creeps in at work.

4 Ways to Stop Chronic Anxiety from Stealing your Job

4 Ways to Stop Chronic Anxiety from Stealing your Job

Here’s a template for the next time your chronic anxiety shows up at work

Severe Depression Symptoms: The Physical Ones You Can Notice

It’s not all in the mind. It’s now in the body too.

Ways to beat Anticipatory Anxiety Before a Presentation

Ways to beat Anticipatory Anxiety Before a Presentation

Yup - you no longer have to go through days of anticipatory anxiety before that dreadful presentation day

Feeling Depressed about Work? Here's how you can lift your spirits and boost fulfillment

Feeling Depressed about Work? Here's how you can lift your spirits and boost fulfillment

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But what if work could be like play, if not better?

Does Using Work as a Distraction Help? Here’s What Our Working Styles Say About Our Depression

Does Using Work as a Distraction Help? Here’s What Our Working Styles Say About Our Depression

Feeling overwhelmed and want to hide under a rock? Your laptop called rock?

Why do we Feel Anxious at the Thought of a Work Presentation?

Why do we Feel Anxious at the Thought of a Work Presentation?

When picturing everyone in the room naked doesn’t work.

What Causes Anxiety at Work? The Top 3 Factors that Trigger It.

What Causes Anxiety at Work? The Top 3 Factors that Trigger It.

You now know why some days are a big NOPE.

Anxiety at work? This is How Some People Cope With it

Anxiety at work? This is How Some People Cope With it

To understand what triggers our anxiety at work.

Pandemic Edition: Severe Depression in the age of WFH & Online Classes

Pandemic Edition: Severe Depression in the age of WFH & Online Classes

Locked indoors at the prime of our lives? Yep, that Gen Z and pandemic crossover epsiode.