Anxiety at work? This is How Some People Cope With it

To understand what triggers our anxiety at work.

Anxiety at work? This is How Some People Cope With it
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Mar 26, 2022
✨POV✨: Stressing about deadlines but procrastinating. If this line hits home for you - that’s work anxiety, my friend. As people with anxiety at work, here’s what to know.

What does work anxiety look like? πŸ€”

Picture your workplace right now.
Are there co-workers who can swiftly get work done like it's nothing?
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Are there a few anxious people trying in vain to stay on top of their tasks?
The chances are that both these groups experience anxiousness or work-related stress.
For some, anxiousness is overwhelming beyond their capacity to think or function at par with the rest.
This is what anxiety disorder looks like.

What do symptoms of work anxiety look like? πŸ₯Ά

Anxiety disorders can feel exhausting. They have evolved to become physical disorders like social anxiety disorder.
This is why anxiety in the workplace can impact your workplace mental health and your work performance.
You may have noticed some reduced productivity lately that may have you feeling anxious about meeting deadlines.
But there is respite!
The more you know of your specific triggers or physical symptoms that contribute to poor job productivity, the better it gets to cope with them.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Irrational fear and extreme worry

The thought of getting fired? The idea of never being good enough?
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These are not fleeting and can even potentially lead to panic attacks (sudden feelings of impending doom brought on by low self-esteem).

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Difficulty concentrating or focusing

The only thing that has our attention, though, is the cloud of confusion that severe anxiety at work brings.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Forgetfulness and drawing blanks

For the longest time, this sign of anxiousness played a deceiving role called "laziness."
But guess what - this sign is why some people with anxiety procrastinate or seem disinterested in their tasks.

What to do as an anxious person at work 🧐

Before starting with work as people with anxiety disorders, a lot goes into how we begin our day that a.m.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Set an alarm tune that doesn’t jolt you out of bed

Pick one that helps you ease into some stretches and long deep breaths.
Check out I want to start my day with a mindful walk on being, which is the world’s first of its kind self-therapy app to help manage stress and manage anxiety.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Make a quick list of all the items that need attention right away

Break down your work hours and set mini-deadlines for your to-do lists.
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Remember - allot enough breaks between those tasks too.
Understand what you can do with the energy you have for that day, and be gracious enough to let go of the ones time couldn’t permit.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Remember your worth

Your job and productivity are not directly proportional to who you are or can become.
Start the day by telling yourself, β€œI will work to my fullest and be proud of what I’ve done.”
Remember that the next time work tells you otherwise.

To conclude πŸ₯°

Several things can contribute to anxiety at work, causing you to spiral.
All you need to know is that support is out there.
It can be seeking professional help, checking out your employee assistance program, or building your database with ways to cope with these anxiety symptoms.
Like through being - an app designed by specialists that give you access to personalized and bite-sized guided therapy sessions with tools to tackle chronic stress and anxiety.
Pro tip? You can check out the mini-session; I want to take a quick break from work the next time you're looking for healthy distractions between work tasks!


Self-therapy is not a substitute for professional therapy. Your mental disorder or mental illness or anxiety disorders in daily life can be overcome with the mental health resources of mental health professional.

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being cares, inc.
being cares, inc.

Mental health friend for Gen-Z creators, & entrepreneurs.