What Causes Anxiety at Work? The Top 3 Factors that Trigger It.

You now know why some days are a big NOPE.

What Causes Anxiety at Work? The Top 3 Factors that Trigger It.
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Mar 28, 2022
✨POV✨: It's more than just the Monday blues, isn't it? Is it everyday situations that trigger anxiety at work or just work stress? Wait - how do we know the difference?

When does anxiety affect work? 🥶

There are feelings of anxiety that certain situations warrant.
For example, when a deadline is due any minute, our to-do list is still incomplete. It's normal to feel anxious in moments like this.
But then, feelings of anxiety creep in with no reason or specified condition that warrants them.
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All you are then left with are anxiety symptoms that can feel debilitating - which can affect daily life events. These can also take the form of physical health problems.
This is what anxiety disorder looks like.
And these anxiety disorder symptoms impact mental health, lower productivity being a side effect.

What do anxiety disorders and their symptoms look like? 🧐

Your symptoms can look differently depending on the type of anxiety disorder you live with.
If your anxiety overpowers your capacity to even carry on with daily mundane tasks, it's a chronic anxiety disorder.
The symptoms include difficulty concentrating at work and can also lead to other mental health conditions like forgetfulness, insomnia, and burnout.
Then there is social anxiety disorder - where you fear social situations like a work presentation or get-togethers.
You fear if your co-workers will judge you and if they'd respond harshly when things don't go as planned.
Other anxiety disorders like panic disorder (frequent panic attacks which manifest as **heart palpitations or pounding heart) and separation anxiety disorder (anxiety when we step away from a loved one) also lead to poor productivity at work.

What triggers anxiety disorders at work? 😶


👥 Work/life imbalance

Work carries its own set of anxieties that cause stress and don't need to be taken home.
Set boundaries at work by logging off at your fixed timings and saying 'no' to additional tasks that can eat into your post-working hours.
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If setting boundaries seem like a toughie, check out the mini guided session designed by mental health specialists on being under - I feel like my work-life boundaries have blurred.

☕️ Caffeine and lack of sleep

Did you know caffeine is known to make us jittery and nervous?
Not just that, excessive caffeine can make us dehydrated and can affect the quality of our sleep.
Instead, sip on water.
It helps regulate mood and blood flow, which are necessary for work productivity and mental fortitude!

📞 Work environment

Your work environment plays a significant role in your mental well being.
If it induces anxiety disorder symptoms, it's the sign you're looking for to speak up.
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Let a colleague or a superior in on the people/tasks that induce anxiety.
Fix your schedule by prioritizing tasks that need the most attention.

To wrap it up 🤗

The anxiety disorders you live with could be adding to your work pressure.
The key is to identify your stressors and plan a routine that reduces their impact on your wellbeing.
If your anxiety disorders (or any mental illness) lead to total surrender, fret not.
All you need is a healthy outlet. You could give being a shot - where you can access meditation and mindfulness exercises at your disposal!
Give yourself some love and patience - your anxiety does not define you. You've got this!


Self-therapy is not a substitute for professional mental health therapy. Your mental well-being conditions or anxiety disorders (like panic attack, generalized anxiety disorder) can be overcome with the consistent guidance of a therapist.

Written by

being cares, inc.
being cares, inc.

Mental health friend for Gen-Z creators, & entrepreneurs.