Why do we Feel Anxious at the Thought of a Work Presentation?

When picturing everyone in the room naked doesn’t work.

Why do we Feel Anxious at the Thought of a Work Presentation?
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Mar 31, 2022
✨POV✨: The second the alarm goes off, it's like these feelings of anxiety dutifully take over. Will this remain a day-to-day life pattern? Because, these feelings need to chill!
It's a new day.
But somehow you're still in bed, trying to recover from the feelings of stress and worry carried over from the previous day while also battling the anxious thoughts of the new day.
It feels paralyzing - like the weight of the world on your chest.
You're almost convinced that this day has nothing to offer but actual danger and pain.
Your own anxious train of thoughts oscillate and contradict, eventually crashing and creating confusion and chaos. Right?
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If feeling anxious has become your daily life routine, it's time to check in with your mental health.

Are these symptoms of anxiety disorders? 🤔

Well, these are common telltale signs of anxiety disorder.
But anxiety disorders are not to be mistaken for those times you experience anxiety during a situation that warrants it.
It's a normal reaction to feel, like - when you're late for a meeting, or when you're minutes away from a job interview.
But people with anxiety disorders live with overwhelming fear even when there's absolutely nothing warranting it.
It impacts their mental health to a point where feelings of anxiety are relentless and persistent.

How do physical symptoms of anxiety disorders manifest themselves? 🥶

Would you say you experience anxiety disorder symptoms like intense fear, difficulty managing daily activities of everyday life, and just overall persistent worry and stress - chances are that these indicate generalized anxiety disorder symptoms.
And if your anxiety symptoms look like heart palpitations (fast heartbeat) or shortness of breath, with an amplified feeling of impending doom - these could point to a panic disorder.
This type of anxiety disorder leads to regular panic attacks (a panic attack is the sudden uncontrollable episode of anxiety and fear) that can affect your mental wellbeing.
Then there are other anxiety disorders like social anxiety disorder where social situations trigger anxiety, leading to social phobia.
Social anxiety disorders lead to uneasy chest pain and overpowering anxious thoughts, especially before a get-together or even a presentation at work.
Knowing your anxiety disorder and its symptoms makes it easier to navigate through this life as a person living with anxiety.
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With no room for ambiguity around your anxiety disorders, you get to build a sustainable routine around it that works best for you.

A routine to keep morning anxiety at bay 🤗

When you feel like the walls are closing in on you, giving you so much anxiety, that you'd rather just stay in bed, try to pause those negative thoughts for just a bit.
In that lull, just try to cope a little differently than you normally do.
Here's how to do that.

⏰  A slow start

While you're still in bed, battling these thoughts that cause you anxiety, know that you are in control of your thoughts, and not the other way around.
The best way to do that is to focus on your breathing because you control the intake of oxygen into your body which helps regulate your thoughts and mood.
If you're looking for breathing exercises to help your anxiety, there's a mini guided session just for that on the world's first-of-a-kind self-therapy app, being - "I woke up feeling anxious about the day ahead."

✍🏼  Teeny-tiny goals

Now that your breathing and thoughts are under control, it's time to figure out how to actually get out of bed and start your day.
You may have a lot of things causing you anxiety, but try to focus on just the next goal.
Your first goal, say, is just going to the washroom.
Splash your face with some water. (This should also do the trick of shaking off the lethargy.)
Your second goal is to get yourself a cup of something soothing.
Cut out the coffee, though. Caffeine and anxiety aren't the best of friends because caffeine can make us jittery and nervous. So, stock up on things like green tea, matcha tea, or tulsi tea.
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But hey, if you absolutely need that taste of black goodness, you could switch to decaf. All the taste, none of the caffeine.
Your next goal is to prep yourself for the day.
It could be school, college, or work. Set mini-goals for yourself by looking at the day in 1-hour segments, rather than a long arduous day.
For example, if you're working an 8-hour shift, try partitioning those 8 hours into 1-hour segments with scaled-down goals and work on them one after the other. You get the drift.

👾  The fun in-between moments

Another way is to focus on moments that do not add to your anxiety.
They can be anything from window shopping, or going to lunch, to just catching up with a friend or colleague by the water cooler.
These are the moments that feel like tiny breaks from the anxiety in our minds.

🥰  Grace, not shame

There is so much power in words and thoughts. So much so that our thoughts eventually shape our behavio and personality.
So it does matter - the way we talk to ourselves.
Catch yourself the next time you're on a self-shame thought cycle for, say, failing a task.
Surprise your shame cycle with one encouraging thought. "I'm not a failure. The task simply failed. I'm going to show myself some grace."
Now make this a routine and watch how freeing our minds can feel when it is not shamed for functioning a certain way.
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Constantly shaming yourself can have debilitating effects on your mental health, which can cause anxiety to the point of leading us to feel anxious even with no actual reason to be.
Anxiety that results from this constant shame can also impact how we view ourselves - eventually affecting our self-esteem.

🏙  Stay in

Honestly, when it feels exhausting, take a day off.
A day to rest and recuperate.
A day for your mental health.
When you're staying in, take your mind off what you'd normally be doing, like, school or work. Indulge in every sense of the word self-care.
The point is to give your most functioning machine a vacay. Anything that calms you and reduces your anxiety, like - cooking something new, or some gardening, or even just getting some extra sleep.

In the end 🤗

Anxiety is an effect of stress we can't control.
But what we do have some control over, are our thoughts.
The whole point of taking control of your anxious thoughts is to center yourself so that you focus on reality and what you can do, rather than on things you have no control over.
This way, our anxiety disorders, and their symptoms can be overcome when we unlearn the unhealthy ways we used to cope with.
Like - avoiding situations that trigger our anxiety disorders instead of challenging and equipping ourselves with ways to face those situations anyway.
These are doable courses of action, especially with the help of a mental health specialist.
But, if that seems like a tiring task at the moment, you can access tools like meditation and mini therapies designed by them on being.
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The best part?
You can access their guided sessions to beat your anxiety disorders while still in bed!
You got this!


Regardless of the anxiety disorders (or any mental health disorders) you live with, you get to overcome its symptoms by learning to take control of your narrative. And sometimes, this control can only be learned with the guidance of mental health professional. So, the recommended way to deal with any mental illness (for example, anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorder/ panic attacks) is with the help of mental health professional.
Your symptoms of anxiety and feeling of worry need not rob you of a great day. If it's a therapist you're looking for or even a support group to relieve anxiety- the best and closest one to you is a google search away.

Written by

being cares, inc.
being cares, inc.

Mental health friend for Gen-Z creators, & entrepreneurs.